A/B Testing Development and QA

From simple to complex test development, we are successfully helping other companies to deliver A/B, MVT and Personalisation campaigns


We know it’s important to people to know what’s happening and why. That’s why we have a structured, yet agile, process to create the right testing variations. Throughout, we’ll keep you in the know and make sure everything’s clear. To give you a better idea of just how we do it all, take a look at our general process.

Assess the test plan and clarify any questions

This is where we get the test plan from you and ask any questions about the variations. We’ll also talk about the different scenarios with you, making sure everything’s clear before we move forwards.

Estimate development and QA hours

We’ll estimate the hours required to develop and QA your A/B tests based on the approved test plan. We’ll also provide a breakdown of the tasks we’re undertaking, as well as the total number of browsers, devices and scenarios that we’ll be testing the variations on.


We’ll start the development of the A/B testing variations, and complete them using the console. Then, we’ll put the code on the testing tool.

Tool setup

At this stage, we’ll set up the tool, including the audience, metrics and all necessary targeting details.


We’ll send you the preview link and go through the variation with you to ensure that you’re happy with what’s been built.


Our QA engineers will start testing on the agreed devices and browsers manually. We’ll record all the bugs identified and will communicate these to our engineers to get them fixed, quickly and easily. This will continue until the variations are totally perfect! We’ll then do a screen recording of all QA sessions across all browsers and devices.

Client QA

We’ll send you the preview links for each of the variations post-testing, to ensure that you’re happy with them and that there’s no issue with anything developed. If you’re not happy, we’re not happy.

Prepare for launch

We’ll make the final tweaks to the tool settings and conduct a peer review where another solutions engineer will check the setup of the test against the test plan, to make sure that everything’s as it should be. We’ll let you know when this is done so that you can launch the experiment, and from there, you can start gathering your results.

Our favourite testing tools

AB Tasty
AB Lyft
Dynamic Yield
Webtrends Optimize

Why Us

We’re experience-driven, with a sole focus on your needs. With us, everything should be simple; that’s why we’re always learning and evolving to take advantage of new tech to solve ever more complex problems.


Tech agnostic

We can develop tests using pretty much any and all major tools. Our solutions engineers are well versed in all major A/B testing tools. You choose the tool; we build your testing variations.


Thorough QA

The job of our QA engineers is to break the variations. Their aim is to throw every trick in their handbook at it, to ensure that everything is working as intended.


Proactive teamwork

If our solutions engineers or our QA engineers notice something that doesn’t feel right, we’re not afraid to tell you. By providing alternative possible solutions, we make sure that your test is fair and has the best outcome for your business.


All under the same roof

Our solutions engineers and our QA engineers work side by side, meaning that any small findings by the QA team are easily resolved by the solutions engineers without any delays.


Experience that cannot be beaten

We’ve got a combined experience of over 30,000 hours of A/B testing variation development, and we’re proud of it. It’s a skill that’s not to be sniffed at!


Cost effective

We ensure high quality and efficiency of test development and QA by using senior A/B testing developers and QA engineers, all while not hurting your pockets.

Let's Have a chat?

If you want to find out a bit more, just get in touch. We love a chinwag, and we'd love to help you out.

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