Metrics checking – why this is important?

Tasin Reza COO

We have recently created a new Chrome Extension to check if a particular goal is firing or not. Currently it supports 7 testing tools. The plan is to gradually increase the number of A/B testing tools to help marketers, CRO consutlants, QA engineers, and developers to QA metrics.

But why this is important?

Well – first of all, if your metrics are not firing as expected, how are you going to analyze the results of your tests? In simple terms, there is no point of running an experiment if you can’t measure the performance – whether it is a button click, pageview goal or transactional metrics.

The other reasion for making sure that the metrics are working correctly up front is so that you don’t lose out the days of testing – only to find at a later stage that some of them were not working as expected.

We all know that in simple terms, Conversion Rate Optimisaiton is making changes to improve specific KPIs. If you are not making sure that the metrics are being tracked properly – what’s the point!

Key takeaway – QA your metrics before you launch the tests!

Don’t just take our word for it…

Don’t just take our word for it…

Customers’ Talking

Our customers are our biggest advocates. That’s why we let them do the talking.

Initially, when working with EchoLogyx, we ran a few test experiments to see how they perform. They did really well, QA was really positive. And then we sort of stepped it up very quickly from there. We are producing 12-15 tests a month. Communication is absolutely great. I can contact the team at any point in the day even after hours they are still responding to me. Since working with EchoLogyx, we have never had an issue with a test that has gone live.

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